Saturday, 13 July 2013

A little about the blogger...

So at the moment, I'm sitting in my room on a typical Saturday night wearing my beloved eels shorts and shirt after spending my evening cheering on the boys in blue and gold who I've grown to honestly love. Yes, despite the horrible score lines that I often have to encounter. While I type this, I really do ask myself "What would my potential readers want to know about me?" Since my only hope of getting people to read my blog is twitter, I assume that most the readers will already know a lot. But still, I guess I'll whip up a little something or rather to keep you entertained and that little bit more informed about who I am and what makes me tick.

Biographically, my name is Victoria Christine Garry. But it's just Victoria okay? My whole life I've spent many hours trying to explain to people that I really am not fond of nick names. Vic I can easily handle. Vicky, I can not under any circumstance handle. Unless for some weird reason, one day I gave you permission to call me that. But if that was the case, feel special. Very special. Through my short 19 years of existence I have copped some very unique names, some of which are still unfortunately in play. I won't go on too long, but these include; Tori, Vickyioa, Garry, Gaz, Garbear, Pops, Homie, Vickytoria and it goes on and on. In short, call me Victoria (Vic if you absolutely must under every single circumstance in the world, call me a nick name) unless I grant you permission to call me otherwise.

Every single person that knows me even borderline well, knows I love football. My existence in Australia thrives on the National Rugby League. You could honestly say that the NRL runs my life. Considering the fact that every single time I'm invited to do something on a weekend my immediate reaction is to check whether the Eels are playing. And if they do happen to be playing, I make sure I find a way to go/watch the game and still attend the event I was invited to. It's actually quite a gift. NRL has become a huge part of my life. I've made some amazing, life changing friendships all thanks to the beautiful sport so I really kinda owe it a lot. As well as these amazing friendships and some pretty amazing memories, I have a bond with my father that really means a lot to me through football. We may not be able to go to games as much as we'd both love, but when we do get to even just sit town in the sitting room with a packet of chips or whatever to watch the games, it's amazing. It's something I share with my dad that my sister and mum don't have and in no way am I trying to be selfish or rude by saying that, it's just honestly nice to have that. Now with this, my dad and I share the exact same emotions as each other with following the "mighty" blue and gold. Okay, take away my huge attraction to some of the players actually. We shake our heads in disbelief together, we throw our hands up in anger together and we jump up and down cheering together. We both share the same mentality that no matter what score line or how many dropped balls or how many injuries suffered we'll stay strong to the blue and gold and continue to pull on our jerseys every week and when possible sit among the fellow die heart fans at the beautiful Parramatta Stadium to cheer on our boys.

When I'm not at a stadium throughout Australia in support of my team, I'm most likely at my university trying to fulfill my lifetime dream of becoming an actress. Okay you done laughing? I know, I know.  It sounds ridiculous. I actually want to become an actress, so unrealistic right? Unrealistic, yes. Impossible, no. My whole life I've been brought up with the idea that you can do absolutely anything that you put your mind to and by enrolling in that university, memorising those two monologues for my audition and actually being accepted into the institute that's exactly what I'm doing. And to be honest, I couldn't be happier. And who knows, maybe just maybe, one day you'll see me up on the big screen.

So now...I'm sitting here scratching my head and I just realised that my life honestly revolves around football and acting and now I'm a little embarrassed that I really do not have much more to say. So in all of my glory, I guess I'll sum it up now. I decided to make this blog as a way of expressing myself. I like to tell stories and I like to share my opinion and I think this is a way for me to do that. Who knows how many readers I'll get, or if I'll even continue to write anything else past this opening post but regardless, I've made this decision so we'll see what the future holds. I tend to make spontaneous decisions like making a blog or a youtube channel and all that crazy stuff so this probably isn't unfamiliar for a lot of you. Anyway, I hope you do read and if you like it, let me know cause that will influence my frequency in updates.

Happy reading! Stay well, and go Parra.
- Victoria


  1. Hey Victoria,

    I know this might seem so random but I came across a link to your blog yesterday while on twitter and being a mad Parra supporter + League supporter myself thought I'd have a read. I honestly loved your blog! this sounds corny but I think you're super cool lol. I really think you should continue, I know id love to read more. I don't actually have a twitter account, I use my bestie's but I think it'll be so great to bounce ideas off each other. Keep up the good work.
    Bella :)

    ohhhh never give up on the acting dream!! I've considered it on numerous occasions and been told that I should stick to my current degree.

    1. Thank you so much for the message! Random or not, I love it. Aw thank you so much, I'm really glad you're enjoying it so far. I promise, I'll never give up on my dream :) xx

  2. Aw you actually replied :). That's heaps nice. I don't have my own twitter account but did you have a fb account? I can note down my email address on here if you don't want it publicly announce it lol.

    1. Of course I did! :) Well considering my google name is my Facebook name it's not too much of a problem for me. Victoria Garry :)
