Saturday, 3 August 2013

Round 21 - Eels vs Sea Eagles

Hey strangers! I know I've been a little absent, and I missed out on a blog post for the bulldogs game last weekend...not that there was really too much to blog about with that game. A quick little explanation just to let you all know that the reason I was absent was because I went back to uni and I've been a little full on with work already, so I do apologise! But it was so good to get a break from my intense uni schedule for a night out at Parra stadium for the match against Manly.

This game has actually been greatly anticipated all year because my footy buddy, Emma, is a major Sea Eagles fan and this night was hopefully going to be the night she finally met her favourite player Kieran Foran. And just to top off an amazing win for her boys, she did indeed get to meet Mr Foran as well as many other Eagles players. It was so amazing to see her with her boys considering the countless times she has accompanied me to different Eels games and events. Next step is getting her an awesome encounter with Kieran, like I've had with Darcy. Soon they'll be best friends...I just know it.

cute couple or what

I'm not going to go into great detail about the actual game, because you all know how I feel. And if you're a Parramatta fan yourself, you definitely know exactly how I feel. There's no point repeating myself every single week. Same old "there were good signs but ultimately we beat ourselves" sort of scenario. Once again, the only real absolutely amazing thing to come out of that game was Darcy Lussick's performance. While the team continues to do horribly, he's continuing to get better and better. Those 2 hits on Brenton Lawrence and then Justin Horo in the one set just showed how much effort Darcy puts into his football and how he'll try his heart out and ass off no matter what the score line is. I will say that I am gutted that they lost, especially by the amount that they did, purely because of him. Did they really have to get absolutely killed by his old team twice? Not fun stuff.

Ultimately, like always, I still had an awesome night out at the game and had so many laughs and took plenty of crazy photos. We of course saw Darcy afterwards and it was pretty hard to handle because he was so obviously gutted. Despite the fact that he most likely didn't really feel up to interacting too much, he still stuck around with us, which this time involved Jacinta finally, and had a quick chat and took some photos. It's funny to note that a dejected and hurting Darcy is still more fan friendly that a large majority of most players. We got a funny photo with him, and it's one of my favourite photos ever now especially because he decided to turn and look at me while pulling a face during the photo and I couldn't control myself from laughing which you can notice in the photo. Everything besides the score line of the game was just great last night. Another amazing eels experience well enjoyed.

Happy reading! Stay well, and go Parra!
- Victoria

Kristelle decided to be a Parra fan for a night, aw

the three best friends ever?

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